In the 11th and final episode of the acclaimed “USA: Artist Series,” Jack Tworkov discusses his current interests in painting. This celebrated series was written and directed by Lane Slate (1927-1990) and presented and broadcast by NET (National Educational Television) in 1966.

Tworkov, who was Chair of the Art Department at Yale at the time, shares his thoughts about his work along with a description of the events that led him to be an artist. The episode offers insight into Tworkov’s studios in New York and Provincetown, and illustrates the production of what he calls his “organic form” or “shape” by taking a straight line and changing its contour while keeping the line's origin and end points the same.

“USA: Artists,” presented film portraits featuring some of America's foremost artists, as part of the National Educational Television's critically-acclaimed year-long "USA" series examining the coming of age of American painting and sculpture over the decades of 50s and 60s. This series of 11 half-hour episodes was originally recorded on film. The series included features on “Andy Warhol / Roy Lichtenstein,” “Frank Stella / Larry Poons: The New Abstraction,” “Jasper Johns,” “Willem de Kooning,” among others.

This film has been digitally remastered from its original.

Running Time: 29:00