Portrait of Jack Tworkov by Henri Cartier-Bresson, New York City 1968
Courtesy Tworkov Family Archives. Photo: © Henri Cartier-Bresson/Magnum Photos

Ninth Street Show, New York, 1951
Ninth Street: Exhibition of Paintings and Sculpture, May 21–June 10, 1951. Installation view of works [left to right: David Hare, Jack Tworkov, Joseph Cornell, and Jackson Pollock].
Photo: Aaron Siskind © Aaron Siskind Foundation

Portrait of Jack Tworkov by Henri Cartier-Bresson, New York 1968
Courtesy Tworkov Family Archives. Photo: © Henri Cartier-Bresson/Magnum Photos

The Charles Egan Gallery, c.1954
The Charles Egan Gallery (from left to right: Esteban Vicente, Theodore Brenson, Franz Kline, Willem de Kooning, Charles Egan, and Jack Tworkov.
Courtesy Tworkov Family Archives. Photographer unknown.

Jack Tworkov with “Daybreak,” c. 1954
Courtesy Tworkov Family Archives. Photo: Jean Hermon

Portait of Jack Tworkov in his Provincetown studio by Marvin Lazarus, 1959
Courtesy Tworkov Family Archives. Photo: Marvin Lazarus

Jack Tworkov with the painting “Queen I”
Jack Tworkov with the painting “Queen I” in his 234 West 23rd Street Studio, c.1957.
Courtesy Tworkov Family Archives. Photo: Dennis Wheeler

Portrait of 8 New York Painters by Irving Penn, 1959
This photograph accompanied the article “8 New York Painters,” published in Vogue Magazine, October 15, 1959 [left to right, bottom row: Jack Tworkov, Barnett Newman, Sam Francis; middle row: Theodore Stamos, James Brooks, Franz Kline; top row: Philip Guston, William Baziotes].
Photo: © Irving Penn / Conde Nast Publications

Portrait of Jack Tworkov. photo by Dennis Wheeler, 1957

Portriat of Jack Tworkov by Henri Cartier-Bresson, New York 1968
Courtesy Tworkov Family Archives. Photo: © Henri Cartier-Bresson / Magnum Photos

Portrait of Jack and Wally Tworkov by Theo Westenberger, New York 1975
Courtesy Tworkov Family Archives. Photo: © Theo Westenberger

Jack Tworkov with students. photographer unknown, 1980

Portrait of Jack Tworkov by Sarah Wells, Provincetown 1980
Courtesy Tworkov Family Archives. Photo: © Sarah Wells

Jack Tworkov at his work table by Renate Ponsold, Provincetown 1981
Courtesy Tworkov Family Archives. Photo: © Renate Ponsold

The Family Tworkovsky, c. 1909
This photograph depicts Jack (Jacob) with his younger sister, Janice (far left) with Father Herman, and mother Esther. This photo was likely taken just prior to the father’s departure to America. Jack Tworkov, his younger sister, and his mother would immigrate to New York in 1913 joining their father on Manhattan’s Lower East Side.
Courtesy Tworkov Family Archives. Photographer unknown.

Jack Tworkov and Janice Biala, c.1918
Jack Tworkov and is younger sister, Janice Biala. Every stitch of clothing they are wearing in this picture had been sewn by their father, a tailor.
Photographer unknown / Courtesy Tworkov Family Archives.

Jack Tworkov, c. 1933
This photograph accompanied Jack Tworkov’s 1933 Guggenheim Fellowship Application.

Self portriat with mirror, c.1935
Taken in Provincetown, this self portrait by Jack includes his new love, Rachel “Wally” Wolodorfsky (holding mirror). The couple married in Oct 1935.
Courtesy Tworkov Family Archives. Photo: Jack Tworkov

Jack Tworkov, c.1940
Courtesy Tworkov Family Archives. Photo: Sid Grossman

Wally and Jack with daughter Hermine, 1944
This photograph depicts Wally and Jack with daughter Hermine at the New York City Zoo, May 1944.
Courtesy Tworkov Family Archives. Photographer unknown.

Wally and Jack with their daughters, c.1944
This photograph depicts Wally and Jack with their two daughters Helen (left) and Hermine (right).
Courtesy Tworkov Family Archives. Photographer unknown.

Portrait of Jack Tworkov by Walter Auerbach, c.1950
Jack Tworkov in his Fourth Avenue studio.
Courtesy Tworkov Family Archives. Photo: Walter Auerbach

Portrait of Jack Tworkov by Herbert Matter, c.1954
Courtesy Tworkov Family Archives. Photo: Herbert Matter

Portrait of Jack Tworkov by Herbert Matter, c.1954
Courtesy Tworkov Family Archives. Photo: Herbert Matter

Portrait of Jack Tworkov by Herbert Matter, c.1954
Courtesy Tworkov Family Archives. Photo: Herbert Matter

Jack Tworkov and Franz Kline, c.1951
Jack Tworkov photographed with Franz Kline at an opening reception for an exhibition of Kline’s work.
Courtesy Tworkov Family Archives. Photographer unknown

Jack Tworkov with John Cage, c.1952
Courtesy Tworkov Family Archives. Photographer unknown

Portrait of Jack Tworkov by Rudolph Burckhardt, c.1953
This photograph accompanied the May 1953 Art News article “Tworkov Paints a Picture,” written by Fairfield Porter.
Courtesy Tworkov Family Archives. Photo: Rudolph Burckhardt

Portrait of Jack Tworkov by Dennis Wheeler, c.1957
Courtesy Tworkov Family Archives. Photo: Dennis Wheeler

Jack Tworkov, c.1957
Jack Tworkov photographed by Dennis Wheeler.
Courtesy Tworkov Family Archives. Photo: Dennis Wheeler

Portrait of Jack Tworkov by Rudolph Burckhardt, c.1953
This photograph accompanied the May 1953 Art News article “Tworkov Paints a Picture,” written by Fairfield Porter.
Courtesy Tworkov Family Archives. Photo: Rudolph Burckhardt

Jack Tworkov with Philip Guston, George McNeil, Charles Egan, and Franz Kline, 1953
This photograph depicts the participants invited to participate in a symposium was organized by the dealer Charles Egan at the University of North Carolina.
Courtesy Tworkov Family Archives. Photographer unknown

Jack Tworkov with the painting “Queen I” c.1957
Courtesy Tworkov Family Archives. Photo: Dennis Wheeler

Jack Tworkov in dunes, Christmas c.1960
Courtesy Tworkov Family Archives. Photographer unknown

Jack and Wally Tworkov, Provincetown Bay c.1961
Courtesy Tworkov Family Archive. Photographer unknown

The Tworkov Family, Provincetown August 1965
From seated left to right: Wally, Jack, Helen; standing: Hermine with her husband Robert Moskowitz
Courtesy Tworkov Family Archives. Photographer unknown

Jack Tworkov at the Provincetown House
Courtesy Tworkov Family Archives. Photo: Robert Perron

Jack Tworkov by Renate Ponsold, Provincetown c. 1981
Courtesy Tworkov Family Archives. Photo: © Renate Ponsold

At the Cedar Bar, 1959
The scene at the Cedar Bar, 1959 [left to right: Charlotte Brooks, Jack Tworkov, painter and later the New York Studio School Dean Mercedes Matter (1913-2001), painter James Brooks (1906-1992), and Italian-born painter Giorgio Cavallon (1904-1989).
Photo: © John Cohen / Getty Images

Honorary Doctorate from Columbia University, June 6, 1972
Jack Tworkov [seated far left] received an Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters, Columbia University, New York, NY. The film maker Alfred Hitchcock [seated far right] is honored in same ceremony.
Courtesy Tworkov Family Archives and Columbia University. Photographer unknown

Portrait of Jack Tworkov by DEAN, c. 1965
Gelatin silver print
10 1/2 x 10 1/2 inches (26.8 x 26.6 cm)
Courtesy The Art Institute of Chicago. Photo: © DEAN

Jack Tworkov at the easel, by Robert Rauschenberg, Black Mountain College, July 1952
Courtesy Tworkov Family Archives. Photo: Robert Rauschenberg © Robert Rauschenberg / Licensed by VAGA, New York, NY

Studio of Jack Tworkov by Robert Rauschenberg, July 1952
Courtesy Tworkov Family Archives. Photo: Robert Rauschenberg © Robert Rauschenberg / Licensed by VAGA, New York, NY

Portriat of Jack Tworkov by Arnold Newman, Provincetown 1964
Courtesy Tworkov Family Archives. Photo: © Arnold Newman / Getty Images

Portrait of Jack Tworkov by Arnold Newman, Provincetown 1973
Courtesy Tworkov Family Archives. Photo: © Arnold Newman / Getty Images

Tworkov with students at Cleveland Institute of Art, c.1965
Photo: Fred Gutzeit

Portrait of Jack Tworko by Arthur Mones, c.1975
Courtesy Tworkov Family Archives. Photo: Arthur Mones

Jack Tworkov with Giorgio Cavallon by Renate Ponsold, Provincetown 1975
Courtesy Tworkov Family Archives. Photo: © Renate Ponsold

Jack Tworkov at Black Mountain College by Robert Rauschenberg, July 1952
Courtesy Tworkov Family Archives. Photo: Robert Rauschenberg © Robert Rauschenberg / Licensed by VAGA, New York, NY

The Fourth Avenue studio of Jack Tworkov by Rudolph Burckhardt, c.1953
This photograph accompanied the May 1953 Art News article “Tworkov Paints a Picture,” written by Fairfield Porter.
Courtesy Tworkov Family Archives. Photo: Rudolph Burckhardt

Jack Tworkov with “Daybreak,” c. 1954
Courtesy Tworkov Family Archives. Photo: Jean Hermon

Jack Tworkov with “Daybreak,” c. 1954
Courtesy Tworkov Family Archives. Photo: Jean Hermon

Portrait of Jack Tworkov by Dennis Wheeler, c.1957
Courtesy Tworkov Family Archives. Photo: Dennis Wheeler

Hans Hofmann, Franz Kline and Jack Tworkov, Provincetown 1959
This photograph was taken Thanksgiving weekend in the Provincetown home of Han Hofmann, 1959.
Courtesy Tworkov Family Archives. Photographer unknown

Portriat of Willem de Kooning and Jack Tworkov by Fred W. McDarrah, 1959
Willem de Kooning and Jack Tworkov at a Sidney Janis Gallery opening for Robert Motherwell, March 9, 1959.
Photo: © Fred W. McDarrah

Portrait of Jack Tworkov by Marvin Lazarus, Provincetown 1959
Courtesy Tworkov Family Archives. Photo: Marvin Lazarus

Portrait of Jack Tworkov by Arnold Newman, Provincetown 1964
Courtesy Tworkov Family Archives. Photo: © Arnold Newman / Getty Images

Portrait of Jack Tworkov by Howard Wise, Provincetown 1974
Courtesy Tworkov Family Archives. Photo: © Howard Wise

Jack Tworkov in his Provincetown Studio by Renate Ponsold, 1981
Courtesy Tworkov Family Archives. Photo: © Renate Ponsold